We open for about a week and close on Christmas Eve. Everything is free, everyone welcome and everything new.

We expect to give away about ten thousand new presents - to help make sure that no one goes without presents this Christmas. Our free shop will be at Ocean Shores, NSW Shopping centre, 20 minutes north of Byron Bay. It will be our 9th year at Ocean Shores. If you would like to create a free Xmas Christmas Shop in your area, call Dennis for advice and help.

Please help by collecting new things from your home, work, neighbours or when you see things at give-away prices. 3 days ago I checked our local K-Hub store. They had a $2 sale of long dresses (includes slips). I was able to buy $20 worth.

Why not collect things in a box? When you are ready, phone me and we'll work out how to get them to me.


Den (02) 6685 8537 (all hrs) “The Station Master wink


Our 2023 FREE CHRISTMAS SHOP was open Mon to Sat 18 - 23 December. We achieved our wish of letting huge numbers of people know that everyone could share the Spirit of Christmas and the thousands of free presents at our shop!

Everyone who made the shop possible, from the people who run this website for free, the Church who loaned their lovely hall next to K-Hub for the third year, the people who loaned tables, the man who donated funds to help run the shop, table covers, clothing racks, those who created and erected our huge banner sign, our wonderful free printer, the remarkable team of volunteers who came to help run the shop from as far away as Queensland, the media teams who got the message of helping each other out to hundreds of thousands of people, and the caring families (it is a community activity and normally we don't ask businesses though some did help) who donated presents, have all made this 2024 Christmas, special for thousands of people. Comments about the shop, seen on the 'Testimonials' link to the left, reveal why it's true that "Giving is not just the fastest way to change ourselves and our world. It's the only way."

Very, very well done to you all! 

16 years ago (2008) Dennis opened his leased Brisbane house in Queensland and gave everything away. You may have seen it on TV 9's 'Today Show' with Lisa and Karl. Dennis said, "That was an amazing time. You could feel the love in the house."

Dennis uses his life to serve people, never charging anyone. He says, "If you need a hand, I've got two."

In 2009, Dennis borrowed an empty shop at Burleigh on Queensland's Gold Coast, a week before Christmas and called it the 'Spirit of Christmas'. With community involvement and little cost, he gave away thousands of new presents to help see no one went without. He did the same in Brisbane in 2010, 2011 and also 2012 where over 11,000 new presents were given away. In 2013, 2014 and 2015 others opened free shops in Victoria and Queensland. In 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 Dennis opened his first NSW shops, in seaside Ocean Shores.  

In early 2018 he ran a free shop - open 24 hours every day for 4 months - in beautiful Brunswick Heads, northern NSW, beside the river. Over 15,000 free items were given away. See 'Shop Information' on left.

Next, Dennis used the charming former Billinudgel Railway Station, just 20 minutes North of Byron Bay, for the next free shop, open for 24 hours daily for 4 years so far. Dennis smiles and says, "I'm the Station Master".

Please spread the word, so people will run free Christmas and other shops across Australia in 2024! We help everyone, including many people without a current home.

Dennis delights in helping people, without limitation or charge. Dennis says "Love is never conditional. We'll all live like this one day. I'm just getting in early to avoid the rush smile"

In 2008 Dennis set up a free gazebo tent at 6am every Sunday morning at the Northey Street, organic market in Brisbane and later (until 2017) the Gold Coast organic market, where he gave away free books and free pets (soft toys). He had 3 rocking horses, slippery dip (slide), castle, crawl through, etc for kids to play on. Signs said, "If you would like to donate some food, Den loves to eat." and "Discover your Life Purpose. Free consultations".                                                                  

Money is not accepted in Den's shops or market stands as everything is always free. Nor is any exchange required. Let's create free shops all over Australia, starting at Christmas, either full time or anytime, and encourage this world-wide?

YOU CAN HELP AT OUR BILLINUDGEL SHOP – JUST 1 OR TWO HOURS WEEKLY. WE LOVE EVERYTHING CLEAN, TIDY AND WELL PRESENTED. If you can't visit the shop, why not help wash, iron, clean or repair things at home?

We're open all day, 24 hours, though have no lighting at present. 

In these challenging times, we're helping people live a little easier. Especially the increasing number of people living in the bush, their cars, on the streets, couch surfing – or with little or no money. We supply free outdoor and cooking gear, warm jackets and clothing, shoes, bedding, toiletry items, tents and sleeping bags. We give away furniture, beds, electrics, kitchen items, electronics, tools, exercise and gardening equipment. Also thousands of books, DVD's, CD's, magazines to read and toys and things to keep children entertained and learning. 

The shops are recycle heaven! This is your practical chance to help: to clean, repair and present everything nicely and do the same with things you bring in as gifts for others. I help people with other major projects: especially how to resolve debts, so your help is appreciated by many people. I can no longer spend 40 to 50 hours weekly as I did at our Brunswick shop. All my professional services are free. Contact me if you need a hand.

With our shops, we help everyone in every way we can, with no charge, or conditions – ever. 

Let's use this current stressful situation of the increasing cost of living to change our focus? For me it's easy. There's nothing in the world I enjoy more than helping in the way I do. My life is not about making money, how I look, buying or collecting new things or travelling. It's about giving. Isn't now an excellent time to take care of each other? We all need a hand or support sometimes. Perhaps, for many of us, now more than ever. Our lives are changing. We are building true communities where we help each other; gift by gift, service by service, moment by moment, smile by smile. Let's join together and create miracles!

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of ways we can help each other. I list many on this website. My 'Master's Degree' in life is giving things away for free. I'm also a mediator and counsellor so anyone can (no cost at all) discuss ANYTHING they may be having difficulty resolving: whether debt, work, lack of money, education, feeling ill, a family death, business or lawful (not legal as i am not a legal practitioner) issues, being stressed or suicidal and challenges with relationships, governments, neighbours and children. I just hope your issue is a bit challenging as I enjoy challenges.

You might be surprised by just how effective – working together – we can be in sorting things out for you. There's nothing like getting a different viewpoint on our issues is there? We all have remarkable abilities. Let's use them!

You can write to me at spiritofchristmas@mail.com and tell me – clearly – any challenge you have. Just say what the current situation is and what you really want to have happen – your ideal situation. I'll respond via this site (without ANY of your private details) and everyone can read lots of great solutions about life: how we can use our time in the most effective way that excites us. We can be happier, healthier, more confident and helpful and bring joy and even some humour to our own lives and those of others. If you are not sure this can happen, phone me – and together, you just might change your mind. 

The shop is open to help people. However, there are hundreds of other ways to help each other. People need lawns mowed, things picked up or delivered, someone to discuss things with, repairs done around the house, a vege garden created or cared for, a lift to health services or to see friends or relatives etc. As we all love encouragement, let's contact a friend; by phone, letter or visit. Ask "Is there any way I can give you a hand?" Even being asked can instantly make someone feel a lot better. There is a real benefit in knowing someone cares about us (see 'Testimonials').

Let's prove that the Spirit of Christmas is within us. How? Simply help someone! And keep helping until the joy you gain changes your life, as it did mine and as it can change all our lives. Then you'll never stop helping. It is true that the more you give – of yourself – the more you receive. And you will live in excitement, joy and abundance all your days. And there's NO cost. Wow!

Some Christmas Shop Testimonials from visitors and helpers: "Beautiful and amazing idea! smile Fantastic Christmas Spirit",  "Thanks for letting us help for a few hours. We loved it. Tabetha and Dash." "Thank you for bringing so much Love, Light and Joy to this Community. Kate." "Thank you so much. It means a lot to those of us doing it tough."

Dreams come true as we keep the Spirit of Christmas alive! Let's make TODAY, one of freely giving and receiving! And change ourselves – and won't that change everything?

Let's increase the world’s love by giving without expecting a return. The more giving, the more love. It's never-ending. Is this not the fastest, easiest, most exciting and fun way to demonstrate love: by our actions? This reveals to everyone who we really are. Doubt and confusion are gone, replaced by certainty.

This changes everything we presently experience, as we reduce the need for welfare, government involvement and high taxes. Now, we take care of each other, as it's meant to be. Religion and education morph into teaching love and developing our own and our children's brilliant individual creativity. Jobs that we 'have to do' are gone, replaced by creative and wonderfully productive activities that we love to do – and that usually serve others.

Abundance (the best dance on Earth) replaces scarcity, fear, judgement and surprisingly, sickness.

Imagine people really opening themselves to freely giving and receiving? We discover that giving (and gratefully receiving) is the best game in town and one that brings great joy and happiness to everyone involved. As an example, thanks to all the people who give me a lift when I'm hitch-hiking.

Madonna King on live ABC radio outside the 2011 International Happiness Conference where the Dali Lama was the keynote speaker, asked Dennis, one of a panel of four, if he was still rich (listen to 'In the Media' interview). He said, "I have wealth beyond belief ... but if you're talking about money, that's another matter." This raised some chuckles.

Dennis is a business and marketing consultant, motivational speaker, community and business trainer and life coach. [And shop keeperwink]. To live his beliefs, he doesn’t charge anyone – for anything, ever. He doesn't do it with money, as he has very little. He does it with love. This includes his talks, workshops and professional consultations. He enjoys the idea of helping create communities with a gift economy; freely helping and sharing with each other without ever creating an obligation or need for anyone to give back. When we do this, we WILL change our world. Is this not the very best way to create abundance? To share with each other what we aren't using or have in abundance (love)?

In discussing how the free shops are possible, Dennis thanked the wonderful people who loaned shops, gave free insurance, juice for helpers, made superb signs, mowed lawns, did painting, cleaned windows and took great photographs. He said that the shop volunteers and the people who bring in thousands of presents, and the lovely folk who created, host and register this free website as well as the very generous people in the media, are all superb examples of love in action. He says, "I wish everyone could see the joy of people who take their free gifts". View their comments on 'Testimonials'.

Let's be creative in how we help each other in 2024 and keep the spirit of Christmas alive with love in our hearts, judging no one. 

Christmas (and other) shops since 2009:

 2009 Burleigh Gold Coast, Queensland
 2010 Nundah, Brisbane, Qld Australia
 2011 Clayfield, Brisbane
 2012 Norman Park, Brisbane

 2013 Wangaratta, Nth Victoria 


 2014 Coolum, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

 and in Wangaratta, Victoria. 

                      2015 Shops are again in Coolum and Wangaratta.

                      2016 Free Shop in Ocean Shores, NSW.

                      2017 Shop (the first mid-year shop, October) in Jimboomba, Qld.

                      2017 Christmas Shop 2nd in Ocean Shores.

                      2018 Free Shop (open 24 hours every day for 4 months) in Brunswick Heads NSW.

                      2018 3rd Free Xmas Shop in Ocean Shores NSW. Dec 17-24.

                      2019 4th Free Xmas Shop was in Ocean Shores NSW. December 16-24.

                     2020 – Since April, a Free Shop, (well, three shops) at Billinudgel NSW are OPEN NOW, 24/7 forever.

                      2020 Spirit of Christmas FREE Shop was open Friday 18 to 24 December, 9am to 6pm daily. Again at Ocean Shores Shopping Centre.

                      2021 Spirit of Christmas FREE Shop was open 20 to 24 December, 9am to 6pm daily. Again at beautiful Ocean Shores Shops.

                      2022 Spirit of Christmas FREE Shop was open 19 to 24 December, 9am to 6pm daily. Again at beautiful Ocean Shores Shops.

                      2023 Spirit of Christmas FREE Shop was open Monday 18 to Saturday 23 December. Next door to K-Hub store.


Live Brisbane Broadcast 96.5 FM

96.5 FM did a direct broadcast from the Spirit of Christmas shop from 3pm to 6pm. What a wonderful team! Many people who visited our shop say they heard about it on 96.5 FM.

This is how Dennis does it. So can you for Christmas 2020

  • Gather some friends to enjoy a special event in your life. Perhaps three to six generous, reliable people. Read the ideas and view the photographs on this site. Meet up and each choose a task you enjoy. Write out some simple steps.
  • Find and borrow an empty shop with parking. Call it "Spirit of Christmas (your city)". Open for a week or so before Christmas. Include the day of Christmas Eve if you can.
  • People are very helpful. Borrow tables, covers, stands, mirror etc.
  • Get free Public Liability insurance.
  • Ask local businesses to donate cleaning for windows and floors, shop signs and paint if needed. We always make sure the shop looks lovely.
  • Collect new gifts (or anything that looks absolutely brand new). It's best to ask families, not companies. Our shops are a community activity and businesses do more than enough to help already. Please, nothing 'second hand'. It's a gift shop, not an Op Shop. People need to be able to wrap their presents and give new Christmas presents. Fill the shop ready for your grand opening.
  • Tell everyone. Write a News Release (see sample). When the lovely folk on TV, radio, papers, groups and clubs hear of your shop, they'll tell everyone and do what they can to help. People will bring in loads of new gifts and, together, we'll bring the true Spirit of Christmas alive.

The magic of Christmas is filling empty hearts and lives with generous gifts.

Giving of yourself is the greatest gift of all.

Christmas is not a season, but a state of mind.

Christmas is truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.

The joy of Christmas is in brightening other lives.

One of the nice things about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with a present.

Christmas is a time to be jolly ... and to remember those who aren't.

Christmas is a wish that everyone's cup overflows.

To truly enjoy Christmas, we can bear others burdens and ease others' loads.

Do all the good you can by all the means you can, in every way you can.

Anyone who believes that men and women are equal has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.

Christmas is when most of us are as generous as we would always wish to be.

I am aware of claims that Christmas that may not always have come from unconditional love. However, we can change this like we can change anything. Let us live the way that Maxim Gorky suggests?

"There will come a time, I know, when people will take delight in one another, when each will be like a star to the other, and when each will listen to his fellow as to music. The free men will walk upon the earth, men great in their freedom. They will walk with open hearts, and the heart of each will be pure of envy and greed, and therefore all mankind will be without malice, and there will be nothing to divorce the heart from reason. Then life will be one great service to man! His figure will be raised to lofty heights -- for, to free men, all heights are attainable. Then we shall live in truth and freedom and in beauty, and those will be accounted the best who will the more widely embrace the world with their hearts, and whose love of it will be the profoundest; those will be the best who will be the freest; for in them is the greatest beauty. Then will all life be great, and the people will be great who live that life." Maxim Gorky